Monday, December 26, 2011

¡Qué madrugadora eres!

For the most part, the holidays have come and gone.  Yes, we still have to get through "el año nuevo", but Christmas (la navidad) is usually the most stressfull half of the holiday season, especially viernes negro (Black Friday). 

My only problem with viernes negro is that you have to levantarse temprano (get up early) to take advantage of the best ofertas (sales).    Venga (come on), who decided that 4 in the morning is a good time to get up and go shopping?

Anyway, as I mentioned above, to talk about getting up early you need the verb levantarse

Tuve que levantarme a las 4 de la mañana para ir de compras para el viernes negro
I had to get up at 4 in the morning to go shopping for Black Friday

Siempre me levanto temprano para ir al trabajo
I always get up early to go work

Levantarse is one of those verbs you just have to know.  If you're not familiar with it, it's pretty standard, so you'll find plenty of help in your Spanish book.  However, what you may not know is that there's another way to talk about getting up early. 

Madrugar also means to get up early. So with that in mind, you can say:

Madrugué (or Me levanté temprano)
I got up early

Here's another example.

Madrugué a las 4 del la mañana para ir de compras
I got up early at 4 in the morning to go shopping

Instead of "4 de la mañana" you can say "4 de la madrugada".

Por Madrugar in our photo above would translate to something like "for early birds" or "for early risers".   And speaking of early risers, you have the terms madrugador or madrugadora, which is a way of refering to someone who gets up early. 

¡Qué madrugadora eres!
You're really an early bird/early riser

There's really no one word translation in English that I can think of, but you get the idea.

Keep in mind that madrugador is for a male and madrugadora is for a female.

There's also a saying in Spanish you may have heard:

A quien madruga Dios lo ayuda
The early bird catches the worm

This bit of Spanish is a great addition to your toolbox and sure to impress your Spanish friends that have been monitoring your progress. 

¡Hasta la próxima!